Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Father's Day


You know Father's Day can be both a bitter and a sweet thing...

Friday, June 09, 2006

The Future is Coming


Sometimes people ask questions like "will anyone remember me when I'm gone? " In Judeo Christian thought there has always been this idea that each one of us was created to matter...



Here is a great question:
With all the areas we have to deal with in life, from God, to kids, to marriage, to our employment, to family to ministry, how do we deal with it all without becoming overcommitted or burned out?

Mother's Day

Mom's Day

Ever since the Fall of man there has been a kind of battle of the sexes going on where the men try to one-up women and vice-versa. God never intended that to be. He intended that there be a mutual respect and honor for each other.

So let’s start some controversy with the question:

We always call God Father, but could we call him mother?(more...)