Thursday, July 31, 2008


A big part of how we love each other is in the names we use; how we “label” each other.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

God's Love

" In the ancient world, the gods were thought to be angry. Most of the stories of creation in the pagan world were of the gods fighting and war. The reason we end up with the universe and human beings is the result of their fighting. When the Bible and the stories of scripture come out; it’s a completely different story. The story of scripture has nothing to do with the gods being angry. It has everything with this being in eternity who imagined wanting to share life with someone beyond himself. According to the Genesis narrative, the reason God creates is precisely because of love. This is radical thinking in the ancient world! "

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Andrew talks about how God hears and answers our prayers.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Let Freedom Ring

Freedom for many people is a kind of commitment to their own simple, baseline impulses. It looks like the classical form of Hedonism. Whatever you have an impulse for – go for it! Sadly, there are people in the context of the church that think the reason we have faith is so God can give us even more stuff than the pagans!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Growing Up Spiritually

“God did something I didn’t expect Him to do. God is bigger than our ideas. Even though we have theological constructs and understandings, that doesn’t mean God can’t work beyond them. One of the ways we’re going to reach more people for Christ is to quit judging them because they don’t speak our (codified) language….”